Path of dawn oblivion

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If the Hero decides to release Jeelius, the cultists will attack him and the Hero.

Some of the cultists that were attending the ceremony will leave, making it reasonably easier to escape. If this is done, they will become an acolyte of the Mythic Dawn. There, the Hero will be prompted to kill the prisoner, Jeelius. If the Hero agrees, Harrow will lead them into a dark sacrificial chamber where, after a short speech from Mankar Camoran, they will be invited to join the Mythic Dawn. Harrow will ask them to give him all of their items and gold. Upon entering the cave, the Hero will be greeted by a Doorkeeper who tells them to speak to Harrow. Be sure to obtain the Mysterium Xarxes before exiting the cave or the main quest cannot be completed. The secret Mythic Dawn shrine must be somewhere inside,' if one exits the cave at any time and then re-enters, the Hero will not be able to get back out. Infiltrating the shrine Note: After the quest updates with the message 'I have arrived at Lake Arrius Caverns. Infiltrate the Mythic Dawn by pretending to join them.The Hero has two options to go about completing this quest. It is determined that the location of the Dagon Shrine is in Lake Arrius Caverns.